Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jesus, Interrupter

Matthew 1: 18: Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus has a certain knack for interrupting the status quo. Our expectations of life can easily be shifted when He enters. Joseph and Mary had an arrangement, an understanding, and an expectation. Their families surely were looking forward to a certain joyous celebration and joining of their lives. Then enters Jesus. Whoops! Where did this baby come from?

ACT! Where has being involved with Jesus challenged and changed your life? Move with the change. Let the Holy Ghost have control.

PRAY! Father, Creator, and Interrupter. You speak and all changes. You desire and my life is at your command. Spirit of Life, move me with the Father's plan. Interrupt where You will.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.


The Drifter said...


Thank You once again for commenting. I am glad Beatriz liked it, you as well.

Anonymous said...

Phil – I greatly appreciate your messages!! Keep ‘em coming!
God Bless/DLF

Anonymous said...

Love the blog format!

Anonymous said...

AMEN for you too PP!

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
just now I took the time to read and see what you sent out this month.
Very cool.I wish I could share some cool and exciting events but at the time I have none.
Well,maybe what I did last halloween.No costumes,but it was a little scary.
It was my first time as a simultaneous translator from spanish to english in a big event for a person I never worked with before.I felt like one of those translators at the UN!It was a volunteer thing.Hopefully a door might open in that area.

Anonymous said...

Hi Drifter. My name is Beatriz. I was having problems with my internet at home and just this past Saturday I was able to set up my wireless internet, so right now I am trying to catch up on what I've been missing out these past several weeks... Anyhow, I wanted to tell you personally that you're an amazing writer! Although, I'm sure you've been told before. Well, I surely hope you're enjoying this website so far.