Friday, March 02, 2012

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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Center of the Moral Center

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

One of the principles of the moral center is compassion.  Compassion is a world imperative and accepted in all creation-centered consciences.  No on really believes that hatred and anger are good for mankind or the development of a congruent and healthy society.

Fear is the most violent antithesis of compassion.  Though anger and hurt and hatred form somewhat of a triangle of antagonism, fear is the most powerful foe of compassion.

Fear freezes action and causes defensiveness.
Fear results in good men and women abandoning responsibility in the face of pain and persecution.
Fear comes from the unknown and the response of those that have been abused and threatened in life.

A confidence of compassion can overcome any fear.  The bond of love for another and a concern for their welfare is intensely powerful.  Men and women will suffer for decades motivated by compassion for another human.

Compassion is the center of the moral center.

The great Teacher, Jesus, when confronted to reveal the greatest commandments began, continued and ended with compassion.  Love the Lord Your God with all your soul and heart and might.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  These three models of compassion define the moral center.  Love yourself.  Love your neighbor.  Love your God.  Do that and all the needs of the world will be fulfilled.

The three do not separate easily.

To say you love God without loving yourself and your neighbor is vanity and results in judgmental attitudes and punishments.  The good of mankind does not come from such self-centered complex.  Those that say they love God above the other two find despotism and slavery as pliable options.  Fear becomes a center point instead of compassion.

To say you love mankind without loving God and loving yourself breeds flawed reasoning.  Reason in and of itself becomes an end and a means.  Yet, reason alone will never solve issues.  A scientific logic without the control of compassion eliminates the old and the weak as an option.  It robs the unborn of live and opportunity and again proves out as self-centered narcissistic game versus real love and concern.

To say you love yourself without loving God and others is ludicrous.  Even the most selfish person must realize the need for others to live and be healthy.  This philosophy ends up in anarchism and fascism. Sadistic openings of a mind concerned only with itself soon cause many pains in social structure.

Compassion is the balance.  Love God.  Love your neighbor.  Love yourself.  Don't forget any of the three or you will find a lonely existence full of skepticism and doubt.  Hoarding becomes obsessive and wars become common.  It is difficult to shoot a missile at someone you love.