Sunday, November 30, 2008

Morning Prayers

Father, it is a beautiful day. In fact, every day You create is beautiful.
Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in our definitions and expectations, we miss beauty.

Help us to find beauty in today.
Help us to find peace in today.
Help us to find comfort in today.
Help us to find love in today.

Embolden us to give grace.
Embolden us to give mercy.
Embolden us to give forgiveness.
Embolden us to give support.

Let this day be a day we find what we need and give some to others.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion.
Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanks Giving

Finalizing 2008 comes to mind this week. Why do we think so far ahead? Why not just take care of the week. My mind is consumed with what needs to happen next week and the next and the next to cause this world to conform more to my Christ's heart. Why do we do that? Why do we take on tasks that are not our own? Why do we not say grace over what has been handed into our influence and be satisfied?

Thankfulness is a condition of settledness. It is acceptance of the present condition as a gift of God. Thankful living is a living based on pure trust of God's providence. Sure, we need to pray for the kingdom to come in fulness. Sure, we need to be concerned at the twists of men and women that do not see His kindness. Sure, we need to espouse the beauty of disciplines of God such as purity, chastity, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control, love, joy, and peace.

Then be settled in the results. Be strong in faith that He is in charge of all of this universe. We march as soldiers of mercy and grace. Our smiles this week should preach a God in control and moving our world to a point of full redemption. He is doing that. Do you believe it? I do?

Our concern should now tighten our brow. Our prayer should not sour our speech. Our focus should not judge His created children. Do you believe it? I do? When we become this way, we have stepped away from trust and faith and hope and love and thanfulness and entered self reliance. God, forgive us and restore us to thankfulness.

Father, we are so thankful for Your love and life. You gave us this incredible world full of beauty. You launched us into a position of stewardship. In our hands You have place knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom cries out in the streets to guide us and protect us. All we have to do is grab it.

So teach us this week, the grace of gratefulness.
So teach us this week, the strenth of confidence.
So teach us this week, the power of faith in Your sovereignity.
So teach us this week, the rest of thankfulness .
So teach us this week, the peace of contentedness.

We rest in You and Your love.
We rest in the confidence that You are in control.
We rest in knowing You are moving all things to redemption.
We rest in understanding that no mountain, valley, field, river, or rocky landscape can separate us from the unfathomable destiny intricately factoried in Your heart and mind for us.

Thanks. Thanks for being God. Thanks for giving us a chance at living. Thanks for creating us and putting us in this world of promise.

Pain may come. But, it will pass.
Struggle may pounce. But, we get out from under.
Conflict may constrict. But, we burst free.
Misunderstanding may spin. But, we settle.
Dis-ease may attack. But, we heal.
Death may overwhelm. But, we live.
