Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Days Dawning

Rejoicing takes many forms during a transition of cultures. Some rejoice in what appears to be a downfall of opposing ideas. Some rejoice in having the rush of new power in the center of ego. Some rejoice just because others are rejoicing. Some rejoice as feelings of newness and emotion engulf their community. Some have taken time to consider and study and see a new road. Rejoicing takes many forms in the heart of mankind.

Weeping takes many forms during a transition of cultures. Events that mark the path can be viewed as destroying old ways. What was once held sacred is now viewed with disdain. Careful building had taken decades of foundation and structure. No one likes to see their investments of time and talent be slashed in a second. Letting go of what was for what is never appeals to many.

Fear takes many forms during a transition of cultures. Violence can erupt. The conflicts of men's hearts has to be resolved at some point. Some settle quickly with forgiveness. Some settle with tolerance. Some settle with a quiet resolve. Some escalate to vitrolic speech and pundit making. Some escalate to withdrawal or denial. Some just get nasty.

In the warp and woof of the United States, we find ourselves in transition. This new culture bubbling from beneath the surface has an undetermined end. Struggles to define legally acceptable and binding relationships push for a new cultural norm. Struggles to protect the lives of others clash with personal expression and personal rights. Ancient taboos against throwing out the weak, the infirm and unbeautiful clash with ancient rituals of Spartan child abandonment and sacrafice to Molech. A desire for Utopia where all have access to the science and caring of education and health care and housing clashes with realisms of the unsharing nature of the soul of mankind.

more later......

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

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