Saturday, December 17, 2005

Christmas or Xmas?

Christmas as a word and a season is losing ground. Maybe we should go back to Xmas? What, isn't that just a lazy way to write Christmas? No, the X is the first Greek letter in Christ. The X to me, says, it is all about Christ. At a recent office party someone asked about that Xmas. It gave me a valid reason to witness about the Christ that came. When you read that word, Christ, you pronounce it differently than Christmas. Maybe we should say the word the way it is meant. Christ Mas. Christ not cryst. Say Merry Christ - Mas loudly this season. Use the X (Chi) to remind yourself if needed.

Seems that a few mega churches have decided the world is flat. Yes, they feel we should succomb to modernity and skip gathering together in celebration of the coming of God to man. What? Yes, it is the manner of some to gather less as the day approaches. Yet, our gospel tells us to not be like some who gather less, but gather more. The day approaches.

The day of apathy approaches. The day of ineffective congregations with no power approaches. The day of being so preoccupied with meeting the world on the ocean of comfort that we have lost sigth of the shore of Christ approaches.

The great television show of the day, Lost, centers on the problem. We are lost. We are without bearings. We do not know where we are or what is going to happen. How did our world get there? In Christ, I know exactly who I am. I know what is going to happen. He told me that before anything new happens, He would tell us. I know my calling to witness and pray and study my bible. Yet, as a whole we are lost. Our signals are coming from a lost world. No wonder we are lost. Shouldn't the signals come from the difinitive scripture?

People want valid and consistent purpose that stands the test of time. People want a strong tower to which to run.

This Christmas put the X back in. Happy birthday, Jesus. Merry Christ - Mas.

1 comment:

PrayerMetro said...

Another thought.

After reading several television and news sites across the nation, the tone of Christians is great. So many rejoiced in the opportunity to worship and celebrate the resurrection and incarnation on the same day. It is a rare treat.

It also impressed me that the greatest reason given for not celebrating on Christ-mas day was to give workers time off. In a prior life, I was one of those 'workers for Christ' and oversaw a mega-church as a major minsitries coordinator. Somewhere the gospel grabbed me and I quit working for Christ and started enjoying serving Him. Maybe we need to do less work and more celebration. Maybe we are so busy being like the world, which is a great work, that we miss the easy yoke of grace. Trying to be what we are not is always hard work. Being who we are in Christ is a lighter burden.