Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jesus - In the Father's Heart

Matthew 1:19: Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

Joseph was both honorable and compassionate. Who else would the Father choose for His Son's training and upbringing? What better choice than a flawed human with a heart of compassion?

Joseph, with no knowledge of the power of the situation, with no knowledge that the Son of God was involved, took the route of best treatment for Mary. He was taking measures to keep her protected in the embarrassment of the situation. He had the heart of the Father to cover and protect. Who else would God chose but one with His own heart?

ACT! What in your life needs silent treatment? Give it to the Father. He will secret it away in forgiveness.

PRAY! Compassionate Father, release me from my past. In Jesus, I find forgiveness and covering. Thank You for being You.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jesus, Interrupter

Matthew 1: 18: Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus has a certain knack for interrupting the status quo. Our expectations of life can easily be shifted when He enters. Joseph and Mary had an arrangement, an understanding, and an expectation. Their families surely were looking forward to a certain joyous celebration and joining of their lives. Then enters Jesus. Whoops! Where did this baby come from?

ACT! Where has being involved with Jesus challenged and changed your life? Move with the change. Let the Holy Ghost have control.

PRAY! Father, Creator, and Interrupter. You speak and all changes. You desire and my life is at your command. Spirit of Life, move me with the Father's plan. Interrupt where You will.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Sanctuary: Searching

My Sanctuary: Searching

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Jesus- the son of David, the son of Abraham

Matthew1:1: The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
Meeting Jesus means meeting the final, eternal king of life. Jesus is the son of David, the favored king of Israel. David received the promise of a kingdom without end. Jesus is the last king in the line. Jesus is the king that never loses the throne.

Meeting Jesus starts with embracing faith. Faith gives substance to life. Faith brings to reality our dreams. Jesus is the son of Abraham, the father of faith. No more important aspect could begin a journey with Him.

ACT! Get busy turning over a dream to Jesus. Take hold of the faith of Abraham and submit the request to the King of Kings.

PRAY! Holy Father, Jesus gave me the heritage of David and Abraham. Jesus gave me connection to great faith and authority. I submit my dreams to His ability to see it come to pass.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jesus, Giver of Life

Matthew 1: 2: Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren;

Jesus comes from the line of Abraham. Abraham was a giver of life. Abraham turned faith into a lineage of ability and more life. Abraham was an investor in the future. His sights were always set forward.

Meeting Jesus means meeting the future. He is future focused. He intends to begat. He intends to birth new life, new dreams, new ways, and new opportunities for you.

ACT! Take that dream of yours. Think of who else could be involved. Give them the opportunity to be a part.

PRAY! Gracious Father of Life, Jesus challenges me to be like You. You are a Father. Abraham got his ways from You, the Father of fathers. Teach me to birth newness through others.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Ordination 2008

An eclectic group of businessmen, politicians, community leadrs and ministers representing baptist, pentecostal, charismatic, catholic, church of christ, apostolic, and others oversee an anniversay ordination for Phil.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Home Troop

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.


Family in Mexico

Left to right, David, Mimi, Pros, Elizabeth, Elia, Carmen.... The younger ones call me Papa. It is an honor to be adopted by them.
PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Three Amigas and Ricardo

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Mimi and Pros Wedding Cuernava, Mx 2008

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

What is Missions?

Missionary efforts evoke much passion in congregations. Various approaches all seem to be the most needed and most effective. Some believe in fully funding missionaries to a cause. Some believe in missionaries self funding. Some let missionaries ask for offerings and some take the route of silence and prayer. Some work in the community and minister. Some dedicate full time endeavors to evangelism or some humanitarian cause. All can be effective. All can be useless.

The mission of a congregation is specific and general. The mission of an individual is specific and general. All are called to share faith and compassion with neighbors. All are called to a specific outreach. None seems right or wrong, just a choice of how to express.

Express we must. Not to express is the choice of escaping responsibility and accountability. It does not work. We are still responsible. We are still accountable.

For many years, I worked and gave large sum to local and far missions of congregations. For many years, I worked in the local and far missions and received my income from supporters. For many years, I've worked in business and given my time into local missions.

What is best? None. What is most effective? Pick any of the above.

But pick. Do something. It is passion about the people that builds effectiveness. It is loving the people to whom the mission is focused that makes the difference. Method of working it out and method of paying for it are not the issues. Doing it is the issue.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Heart to Heart

Proverbs 27: 17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
18 He who tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who looks after his master will be honored.
19 As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

This quick trio of thoughts from the man of wisdom bring a quick observation. Consider the intermixture of thought. One man sharpens another. What we tend will produce for us. It is the heart that reflects.

Take some serious time this week to interact with another person at the heart level. Try to skip all of that face to face interaction that can interfere. Pierce through to the heart. Look deep into the eyes. Get connected. Tending this type of time with a trustworthy person will bring longlasting fruit into your life. It will change you and them together.

PrayerMetro puts out thoughts to provoke thinking not preach religion. Think. Meditate. Pause. Pray. Consider. Act.